Digital Plotting with Desmond Clarke.
Describes himself on his website as an algorithmic artist, musician and composer. His bio goes on:
‘My work investigates the blurred lines between natural and artificial forms, and uses code to explore how mathematical processes can be used to create art and music.
I use Python, a programming language, to generate art pieces, and use a customised vintage pen plotter to realise them on paper, combining digital precision with the richness of real-world textures. Likewise, I utilise new technologies to create instrumental music which would be impossible to realise with conventional tools.’
To be honest - we’re not sure!
We met up and discussed what possible outcomes we could get from bringing an element of plotting into the screen printing process and visa versa. As a starting point we tried to create the film positives used in screen printing directly form the plotter - using one of his Python algorithms.
Pretty random!
The algorithm that we settled on was a recent project of his that creates random iterations with every run, each one varies massively - creating maze-like forms with concentric and angular architectural shapes.
We used the plotter and a creatively rigged-up a pen holder to make some marks on some acetates, these we hope to use later in the process. We tried with various other mark-making tools - but the permanent fine-liner was by far the most effective in drawing on the film. We do intend to try other mediums in our next session.